Pastor William A. Curry Jr. Is the Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church, Fort Wayne Indiana. He was born in Detroit Michigan on June 4, 1979 to William and Helen Curry. Dr. Curry comes from a large family having 7 siblings. He graduated from East Detroit High school in 1998. In August of 1998, Dr. Curry enlisted into the United States Marine Corps. While in the Service Dr. Curry served in many different capacity’s, from being a Truck Driver, Recruiter, Instructor, Operations Chief, Logistics Chief, to ending his career as Motor Transportation Operations Chief spanning over 17 years of service. During his service, Dr. Curry has travel to 24 different countries and 42 of the 50 states in the United States. Dr. Curry and his family joined The Sanctuary of Jacksonville (SOJ) in Dec of 2010. While attending, Dr. Curry became active in the Church by joining the Usher team.
Pastor William A. Curry Jr.
Spiritual Pillar
Dr. Curry was always, from a child curious about God and His Church. Dr. Curry was 13 year of age when he started actively seeking God. Dr. Curry started going to Bible Studies with a neighbor who was a Jehovah’s witness seeking to find out more about who God was. Dr. Curry home church growing up was Israel Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit Michigan, where the Pastor was the late Rev Samuel S. Jenkins, who’s predecessor is Dr. Edward McCree. Dr. Curry searched different denominations in his search which always led him back to Jesus Christ.
While Dr. Curry was serving on the Usher team, he was selected to become an Armorbearer which was a selected group of men in the church to attend to the Pastor. While Serving as an Armorbearer Dr. Curry started his studies in Biblical studies attending North Carolina Collage of Theology, receiving his Associates Degree in 2013 in Biblical Studies. Dr. Curry continued his educational studies at North Carolina College of Theology, while deployed to Afghanistan, while in Afghanistan Dr. Curry received his bachelor’s in biblical studies in 2014.
While in Afghanistan Dr. Curry accepted the calling on his life January 13, 2014. Dr. Curry “believes God had to get him by himself so He could talk to him”. Dr. Curry was a leader in the Church in Afghanistan again filling the roll as head Armorbearer to Dr. Jeffery Davidson from Jan to May of 2014. Dr. Curry was Ordained 17th Of June 2014 after returning home by Dr. Jonathan L Cook. Senior Pastor of The Sanctuary of Jacksonville who also is Dr. Curry Spiritual father. Dr. Curry became the Head Armorbearer at the Sanctuary of Jacksonville and Overseer of all Men’s Ministries Ushers, Watchmen, and Parking Lot ministries until his retirement from the Marine Corps in October of 2014. Dr. Curry asked the Lord where He wanted him, and God lead him to Fort Wayne Indiana where Dr. Curry started Fort Wayne Community Church Jan 7 2015. Dr. Curry continued his education and received his Master’s in Theology in 2016 from North Carolina of Theology.
Dr. Curry continued to attend college getting his Doctorates in Theology in 2017 from North Carolina of Theology. Dr. Curry reached out to the Senior Pastor of New Beginnings where the two churches were merged. Dr. Curry transitioned from working at Noble County Probation as their substance abuse and cognitive behavior instructor in 2018. Dr. Curry is one of the many Chaplains at Parkview Regional Medical Center. Dr. Curry is a published author, publishing his first book April of 2021.
Dr. Curry is married to Caletta L. Curry and they have 6 Children, Elisha, Ja Shawn, Addonus, Andrea, Jocelyn and Xeriah.